
St. Bernadette'sCatholic Primary SchoolWe Follow Jesus


Welcome toSt. Bernadette'sCatholic Primary SchoolWe Follow Jesus

School Meals

Here at St Bernadette's, we use Walsall Catering Service, the council’s own catering department, who provides school meals in 64 schools across the borough.

Walsall Council Catering achieved their Food for Life Award in June 2019.  This demonstrates the positive impact the Catering Team are making through food.


An independent inspection took place to ensure that the food served by Walsall Council has met a set of criteria developed by the Soil Association and food industry experts. In doing so it demonstrates how the Catering Team meets the National School Food Standards as well as  their commitment to serving fresh, traceable, sustainably sourced food. Also the majority of food on the menu is freshly prepared, will always be free from undesirable trans fats, sweeteners and additives and be cooked by trained chefs, and use ingredients from

                                                               sustainable and ethical sources.  


When using Walsall Council Catering Teams you are guaranteed that; 


·Our menus demonstrate their compliance with national standards or guidelines on food and nutrition.

·At least 75% of dishes on the menu are freshly prepared (on site or at a local hub kitchen) from unprocessed ingredients.

·All meat is from farms which satisfy UK animal welfare standards and no fish are served from the Marine Conservation Society ‘fish to avoid’ list.

·Eggs are from free range hens.

·No undesirable additives or artificial trans fats are used.

·No genetically modified ingredients are used.

·Free drinking water is prominently available.

·Menus are seasonal and in-season produce is highlighted for pupils.

·Information is on display about food provenance.

·Menus provide for all dietary and cultural needs.

·All suppliers have been verified to ensure they apply appropriate food safety standards.

·Catering staff are supported with skills training and are engaged in food education.


Natasha's Law


Natasha's Law is new legislation relating to the declaration of allergen information on pre-packed food for direct sale.  The law takes its name from the tragic death of a teenager named Natasha, who died from an allergic reaction to undeclared sesame seeds in a pre-packaged baguette.  The new law makes it a legal requirement to clearly display information about potential allergens on food packaging for pre-packed food.


All of Walsall Council Catering food is served fresh and we can provide details of food allergens on request.  They do not use nuts, including peanuts, in their menus.


Some of their menu items contain allergens, including:


  • celery
  • cereals containing gluten
  • crustaceans (shellfish)
  • eggs
  • fish
  • lupin
  • milk
  • molluscs
  • mustard
  • sesame oil
  • soya
  • sulphur dioxide


When packed lunches are prepared for trips, these will be clearly labelled with any allergens they may include.


All Kitchen Staff are appropriately trained in Food Allergens and Food Intolerances.


As a School we will be asking parents on an annual basis if their child/children has any allergies to certain food/ingredients.  This information will then be shared with our Kitchen Staff and the relevant Teacher/Teaching Assistant.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the School Office who will be more than happy to help.


Cost of a School Meal


The cost of a school meal from 1 September 2024 is £2.20.  If your child pays for a meal then please send their money in an envelope with their name and class on a Monday for the week.  Included in this meal will be:-


Main protein dish

Potato, rice or pasta dish

Vegetables or salad

Gravy or sauce as appropriate

Bread from a bread basket

Pudding or fruit or yoghurt

Custard where appropriate.


Vegetarian options are available every day, as well as filled jacket potatoes.


Fresh drinking water is always available. 


We are operating our Menu's on a 3 week rolling period.  Please see below:-






If you require your child to have a hot meal in School, just complete the menu that has been sent home with your child, write your child's name on it and circle their choices.  This will then be ordered for them on a 3 week rolling period.  If you do not send in a menu for your child they may not be guaranteed the meal of their choice as our Kitchen order meals in.


Copies of menus are available from the School Office.








Free School Meals Information


You should register for Free School Meals, even if your child is in Reception to Year 2 and receives a ‘Universal Free School Meal’. If your application for Free School Meals is successful, St. Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School will also receive extra funding from the Government to use in support of teaching and learning (Pupil Premium).
