Miss Billinsgley and Miss Fellows are very excited to be teaching Sycamore Class this year.
Year Six will be a time of preparation in many different ways. We begin to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation early in the Autumn Term. This is a very special time because we work together to gather a deeper understanding of our faith. It is the time in our lives when we stand up to say 'Yes' to God's invitation to love and serve him. We consider, discuss and find out what it really means to be a follower of Christ in our world today.
Throughout the year, we prepare for Secondary school. We will teach students to develop their independence, organisation and time management. Children will apply for jobs and responsibilities around school, ensuring they set a good example to the younger pupils.
We will continue to master our Mathematics curriculum, alongside becoming avid and fluent readers. We will be enhancing our writing skills, writing a range of genres and for different audiences. Our wider curriculum will continue to expand the children’s knowledge and expertise across the National curriculum.
In Sycamore Class, we aim for your child to develop emotional and social maturity whilst striving to be the best they can be, but, above all, we hope they enjoy their time in Year Six!