Our School Uniform is listed below, please make sure all items of clothing are named.
- White shirt
- Mid/Dark Grey Pinafore Dress, Skirt or Long Trousers
- Summer – Sky Blue Gingham Dress or Short Trousers
- Navy Blue V-neck Cardigan or Jumper with school logo preferred (plain Cardigan or Jumper is permitted)
- Double Stripe Navy/Sky Blue Tie
- White/Grey socks or Grey Tights
- Sensible Black shoes (no trainers or large heels for everyday use)
- Navy Blue Fleece with school logo (Optional)
School shoes to be worn during all parts of the day. Trainers/Plimsolls only to be worn for PE lessons or other lessons specified by the Class Teacher.
PE & Games
- Navy Blue Shorts
- Trainers
- White Tshirt/Vest
- Pumps/Plimsolls (Black)
- Socks
- Plain Tracksuit (Junior classes for games)
Swimming Kit (when required)
- Towel
- Swimming Costume or Trunks
- Swimming Cap
- Pump Bag
- ‘Extreme’ haircuts are not permitted in School (‘extreme’ being any haircut that is considered by the School to be significantly different so as to cause distraction to others, and their learning; and therefore not in keeping with the School’s Ethos. Examples of haircuts not permitted include: tram lines or equivalent; shaved sides with longer hair across the centre, use of hair products such as gel. (This list is not exhaustive). When joining the School, parents/carers are expected to fully support this Policy at all times.
- Long hair should be tied back at all times and short hair in a suitable style for school.
- No jewellery, except small, plain studs for pierced ears and wrist watches – both of which must be removed for P.E. (ear studs can be covered with plasters for the first few weeks until they can be safely removed).
- No make-up or nail varnish to be worn in School.
- Children may wear caps or hats to protect themselves from the sun or adverse weather conditions. All headwear must be of plain colour. These items are not to be worn indoors.
- Any request to change uniform on religious grounds can be applied for. All requests are to be made to the Head Teacher.
All children need a clear & labelled water bottle brought into School daily.
School Uniform
Boys/Girls- Navy blue V Neck Jumper with School Logo/cardigan, double stripe navy/sky blue tie, white shirt, mid/dark grey long/short trousers/pinafore, skirt.

Girls - Sky Blue Gingham Summer dress, sensible shoes, white socks/grey tights.

Boys/Girls - Navy Blue fleece with school logo (optional).
PE Kit:
Boys/Girls - Navy Blue shorts, trainers, white T shirt/vest, black pumps/plimsolls, Tracksuit, socks.
Swimming Kit (Key Stage 2 only)
Boys/Girls - towel, swimming trunks/swimming costume, swimming cap (optional), pump bag.